I am going to begin on
this 30 day ED-recovery challenge and see how that goes. I'm not feeling
particularly good and recovery isn't going as well as I would like it to be.
Hopefully this will help me :)
1. List your stats (height/weight). What
eating disorder are/have you struggled with?
2. What does recovery mean to YOU?
3. List 10 NON physical things you like
about yourself.
4. What are factors that contributed in
your choice to recover?
5. What actions do you believe could be
taken in the future to help prevent your child(ren) or close friends from ever
developing an eating disorder?
6. What was your favorite meal before your
ED? What is your favorite meal now?
7. Do you think the media contributes to
the growing rate of girls developing eating disorders younger and younger?
8. Create a list of all the positive
things your eating disorder has given you. (This day should be short haha.)
9. Create a list of all the negative
things your eating disorder has given you.
10. Does anyone in your close family have
an eating disorder? If so, do you think it had an impact on you developing one?
11. List 10 PHYSICAL features you like
about yourself.
12. Post a picture of 1 thing you ate
13. Do you believe you can ever fully
recover from an eating disorder? Explain.
14. How do your friends and family feel
about your eating disorder?
15. Post a picture of you before you ever
developed an eating disorder. What emotions were you feeling in this picture?
Describe your picture.
16. How would you help a close friend or
family member if they developed an eating disorder?
17. What does being fat TRULY mean to you?
18. Here’s a challenge. Come up with a
hobby you’ve never done or haven’t done in awhile that has NOTHING to do with
eating or exercising or cooking. Totally non eating disorder related. What is
your hobby? Why did you chose it?
19. Has your eating disorder ever held you
back from something? If so, explain.
20. I feel eating disorders have somehow
been glamorized. Explain your opinion on this.
21. Who has been the biggest contributor
of your recovery in your life? Explain.
22. Describe your goals for your future.
23. List 2 positive things that happened
to you today.
24. Where were you in terms of your eating
disorder 6 months ago? Describe how you’ve changed.
25. What are your ‘fear foods’? I
CHALLENGE you to eat one today. Dare you. Do it.
26. Eating disorders often come hand in
hand with social anxiety and or depression. Start 1 conversation today with
someone you don’t normally speak to. How did it go?
27. Create a letter of everything you
would write to your eating disorder as if it were a real life person.
28. What do you need to improve on in
order to advance mentally and or physically towards recovery? Explain how you
plan on actually moving forward with these goals!
29. Challenge yourself again in some way
today. Whether it be being more social, eating more, eating another fear food,
etc. Explain.
30. List your stats again. Did this help
you at all?