Today has been a pretty good day. It began with the cutest message I've ever gotten on Tumblr where a girl told me that I was her role model. That is huge!! I just couldn't believe it, and still don't. Being someones role model motivates me even more to recover properly, it is such a good feeling know that tou are doing something right!
And it didn't end there!
When I got to school I got such a cute SMS from a close friend of mine saying I light up her world. That is too cute isn't it?
On the way home from school around noon (Mondays and Tuesdays are my short days), I stopped at the grocery store to walk around checking nutrition values (NOT A GOOD THING!), seeing if I should buy some snacks and etc. I don't know why, but walking and looking around in a foodstore really calms me down. But yeah, I saw these Ben & Jerry's icecream boxes and said to myself "why not?".
It was so tough picking up the boxes, not because they were heavy, but because I have a really hard time buying 'unhealthy' stuff on my own. I always have either my bro or my mom with me. Not this time, no, I did it ALL BY MYSELF!!
I got really paranoid while checking out thinking everyone was watching me, criticizing me, thinking that I didn't deserve that as I am way too huge etc etc etc. My head was exploding and I was about to put the boxes back, but all of a sudden I heard a friendly voice saying : "Good morning" and it was time for my check out. I couldn't back out at that point. That would only look weird, so I paid for the 2 boxes and hurried to put it in a bag so no one would see how disgusting I was.
But then when I came home I began thinking logically again. Maybe the people at the store were envying me for buying this, thinking that they should have bought something like that, that they really got a craving for B&J when they saw my delicious boxes of Cookie dough ice cream and Half baked ice cream. Who wouldn't want those brands???
I have had anxiety attacks, struggled with thoughts and school but I don't really care right now. Someone out there looks up to ME! Me of everyone else, that is just surreal.
I don't care what my head tells me today because I am so unbelievably blessed by everyone around me supporting me!
This post has become a rumble of things haha, hope it wasn't too messy for you to read and understand :-)