Monday 12 August 2013

Be careful what you wish for

Well, with this blog I want people to get to know how it is to battle an eating disorder.
Many teenage girls these days wish they had an eating disorder, especially Anorexia, and that's so wrong! Just because they want to be thin, they are ready to set their life in danger. They look at pictures of anorexics and admire them because they´ve got thigh-gap and collarbones. They don't know what the consequences are, and that's why I'm starting this blog. So some of them can read about the consequences from someone that has been there. Experienced it. And not just some psychologist that counts up the symptoms.

Teenage girls and boys (and adults), simply don't know what they're getting themselves into because the society has gone crazy of appearance-obsession. It's ridiculous!
This is living hell, and I wish that it didn't turn out this way for me.
I want to be able to save someone out there from this nightmare, because no one deserves to go through this living hell.

Being hospitalized 4 times in 4 months is not fun. Being forced to eat and drink is not something you want. The loss of independence and control is embarrassing. And most of all, battling you own thoughts every minute of everyday is the hardest thing you'll ever have to do! 

So do NOT begin restricting, count calories, weigh yourself everyday or even worry about your weight, because, honey, it takes a hell of a lot of energy, strength, time and work to fight back when the Demon (ED) has taken over your life. It's a 1000x harder to get back up, than it was falling down. 
You are beautiful! Everyone is beautiful in their own way! Inside and out! Don't EVER forget that! 

 - M

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